
We develop, accompany and evaluate innovative projects. Since 1990, in addition to programme support, accompanying scientific research, quality-assuring process support within the project team and external evaluation studies , we have formulated more than 60 project ideas that are eligible for funding and supported them with action research.

ISOB supports the development of innovative technologies as well as mechanisation in the company. Furthermore, ISOB promotes the training of basic digital skills and learning with digital media.


The design studio is a physical place where students can simulate real-world practice without the associated risks. In the EINstudio project, a virtual design studio is to be created that offers students and teachers a collaborative working environment to realise joint projects and work together in an interdisciplinary way regardless of location.


The DsiN Digital Driving Licence (DiFü) is a nationwide standardised further education and certification offer with a focus on relevant topics related to everyday digital life. The DiFü was developed to create a format that shows the level of individual digital competence and makes it comprehensible for third parties (such as employers).

Medicine thrives on the successful communication between patients and health professionals. The "serious game" developed in the project helps health professionals to develop their communication skills through play in a safe and error-friendly environment.


The PRUDMED project develops digital competences in higher education teaching.

In recent years, a variety of tools and methods for using digital media in vocational education and training have been developed. Employees with little affinity to written texts can especially benefit from audiovisual media. The project brings together good practices from the partner countries and develops a competence profile of digital learning coaches.

Our world is permeated by digital media. Technical instructions are not very attractive for most users. Digital storytelling is an alternative to communicate the way we use everyday digital media and to present them as "everyday heroes." The project develops handouts for educational service providers and product developers to use digital storytelling methods for effective communication with users.

A good command of English is a basic skill for tourism workers. The still developing language skills in many European countries show that conventional teaching has not yet reached many people working in tourism. This is where practice-oriented teaching videos can help. The project has developed a system with which hotels and restaurants can convert typical work and interaction situations into short language teaching videos.


The PeCall project serves to develop and evaluate an IT application for rescue workers who already have all stored emergency data (personal health data and emergency data stored by the patient) available when they reach the person involved in the accident. This makes it possible to provide first aid with improved quality, saving additional time and costs.

The project uses videos produced in real-life situations to teach referees and athletes in handball and athletics the most important technical vocabulary in English for dealing with the most important situations.