Im Rahmen des Erasmus+ Projektes DigiVET fand das Abschlussmeeting in Brasov (Rumänien) statt. Die Partner unterhielten sich über die Erprobung und ihre Lernerkenntnisse im Projekt. ISOB übernahm im Partnermeeting die...
Mehr lesenProject duration: 11/2019 – 06/2022
Project code number: 2019‐1‐UK01‐KA202‐061965
Funding guideline: Leitaktion 2 „Strategische Partnerschaften“
Initial situation
Digital media are becoming increasingly important and offer innovative learning opportunities for employees with different skill levels. Digital media are time and location independent, customisable, easily accessible, scalable and allow for differentiated learning paths. However, SME training staff are often not trained in the production and use of digital media.
Target groups and their benefits
The DigiVET project is aimed at in-company training staff. They are to be supported in the training of their media competences in order to design and produce digital media in line with the company's framework conditions. In a special way, work areas of low-skilled employees are addressed so that they can train information and media competences.
Project goal
The project supports SMEs in acquiring competences for the use and production of digital learning media by training "digital learning coaches" and having them pass on their knowledge to in-company training staff. The introduction of digital media to support workplace learning changes the corporate learning culture and makes the learning system more adaptable. Learning with digital media is closer to learning habits, takes place in a work-integrated way and reaches a larger group of employees, thus ensuring their employability.
Role of ISOB
ISOB is responsible for the internal evaluation and quality assurance in the DigiVET project. In addition, ISOB supports the development of the handbook "Media Literacy" and the target group-oriented dissemination of the project results.
Associated partners
Im Rahmen des Erasmus+ Projektes DigiVET fand das Abschlussmeeting in Brasov (Rumänien) statt. Die Partner unterhielten sich über die Erprobung und ihre Lernerkenntnisse im Projekt. ISOB übernahm im Partnermeeting die...
Mehr lesenIm Rahmen des Erasmus+ Projektes DigiVET, bei dem wir Erwachsenenbildner:innen zu Trainer:innen für digitales Lernen ausbilden, fand die weitere Pilotierung mit unserem Praxispartner:in Medbo statt. Medbo bietet den Mitarbeitenden bereits...
Mehr lesenIm Rahmen des Erasmus+ Projektes DigiVET unterstützen wir KMU beim Erwerb von Kompetenzen zur Nutzung und Produktion digitaler Lernmedien. Hierzu bilden wir „Coaches für digitales Lernen“ aus und entwickeln in...
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