- Who are we?
- What do we do?
- What do we stand for?
We are an interdisciplinary and transnational team of social scientists, economists and journalists. Our home is Europe. Our topic is education and innovation. Since 1990, we have been passionate about improving education and training systems, creating better opportunities for people from all social and local backgrounds, and using new technologies and entrepreneurship to tackle social challenges. To do this, we are privileged to work with more than 200 partners in almost every country in Europe.
We develop, accompany, and evaluate innovative projects. We help practitioners to analyse problems in their everyday practice, to plan and implement interventions effectively, and to evaluate the experiences so that they can be used by all interested parties. To this end, we use national and European research funding from, e.g., the Federal Ministry of Education and Research or the European Commission. With our experience from more than 50 funded projects, we make project proposals realisalbe by helping with the formulation to make them eligible for funding, by implementing them effectively, by communicating them in a targeted manner and by proving their effectiveness on the basis of evidence. Our areas of expertise lie in corporate education, digital transformation, regional development, entrepreneurship and the shaping of a social and inclusive migration society. The idea of sustainability guides our actions in all of these fields.
Wir stehen in der Tradition der Aktionsforschung. Wir unterstützen mit wissenschaftlichen Mitteln, wie qualitativer und quantitativer Datenanalyse, Literaturauswertung, Modellbildung und evidenzbasierter Kommunikation von Modellversuchen und Pilotprojekten die Verbesserung der sozialen Praxis. In unseren Projekten trifft das Handlungswissen erfahrener Praktiker:innen auf wissenschaftliche Theoriebildung und -anwendung. Wir forschen nicht über, sondern in und mit der Praxis. So entsteht wirksame Innovation. In unseren Projekten handeln wir als „kritische:r Freund:in“. Wir ermutigen unsere Partner:innen kritisch Dinge zu hinterfragen und neue Themenstellungen anzugehen. Uns eint die Freude miteinander und voneinander zu lernen. Unsere Partner:innen sehen in uns eine innovative, praxisorientierte und zuverlässige Unterstützung.