Projekte – Organisationsentwicklung


We develop, accompany and evaluate innovative projects. Since 1990, in addition to programme support, accompanying scientific research, quality-assuring process support within the project team and external evaluation studies , we have formulated more than 60 project ideas that are eligible for funding and supported them with action research.

ISOB advises and accompanies organisations and companies in social transformation processes and offers a space for practice and reflection.

Organisational development

We have evaluated the dual training system in German-speaking countries with regard to their transferability and economic transferability and prepared individual country reports with the findings, work results with recommendations for action.

The project has already shown at an early stage how webinars can be used in education and training. A trainer's manual and a series of compact explanatory videos convey the most important didactic and technical skills.

Attractively designed print media and digital presentations are a company's business card. In small and medium-sized enterprises, such media are often designed in-house, without professional support from outside. The NiceDesign4KMU project developed a further training offer for the area of media design.

Trade unions can play an important role in the development of workplace learning systems. To do so, trade unionists need to have solid knowledge about the design of workplace learning. Knowledge about the possibilities of acquiring public funding for learning and development programmes can significantly improve the level of training opportunities in the workplace. We have transferred relevant concepts of leading trade unions in Germany and Portugal in this field in a training programme for more than 100 trade unionists in Romania and documented them in an accompanying manual.

We have supported SMEs in strategically planning on-the-job training. In this way, the SMEs' need for skilled workers could be met and additional training places were created. Very small companies in particular were able to attract trainees.

In particular, smaller businesses in the hotel and restaurant sector usually have neither the time nor the resources to send their staff to external training. The project has developed a concept and materials that give training providers in this sector ideas on how to support the development of effective learning systems in hotels and restaurants.