Projekt NiceDesign4KMU

Network-based competence promotion Media design for SMEs (NiceDesign4KMU)

Funding information

Project duration: 03/2013 – 09/2013

Project code number: WiTHuB 4

Funding guideline: Europäische Sozialfonds , Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst (Programm „Wissenstransfer Hochschule und Beruf 5. Förderrunde“

Project concept

Initial situation

The business card of a company to the outside world is above all attractively designed print media (business letters, flyers, posters) and digital presentations (online presence, product presentations). In SMEs, media are often designed in-house. In most cases, there is no on-site expertise and no professional support is sought from outside, which is why the external image often appears less than professional.

Target groups and their benefits

The project "NiceDesign4KMU" is aimed at employees of SMEs who are to be enabled to professionally design their written external presentation themselves. The participants of the further training acquire basic media competences in relation to the appealing and adequate design of print media and digital presentations that are relevant in the professional environment.

Project goal

The project "NiceDesign4KMU" aims to develop a virtual further education offer for the field of "media design" in order to reduce the skills and supply deficit in the field of media design of SMEs. A modularised, tutor-supervised online offer was implemented that can be used close to the workplace and "on demand". The modularisation of the continuing education offer enables the participants to put it together individually according to the modular principle. To sustainably secure and deepen the acquired competences, tools were offered for communication and exchange among the participants and with the tutor team. The project was primarily aimed at SMEs in rural and structurally weak regions with few opportunities for further training.

Role of ISOB

Coordination and consultation of the development

Products and publications

  • Development of modular learning content and publication via a learning management system (including image editing, image design, content management systems, content strategy, flyers, text creation, business letter, logo design, open source resources, legal basics, typography)
  • Development of tools for communication and exchange of participants in the learning management system
  • Creation of a Project report for transfer assurance



  • Portugal (project coordination): Imanovation
  • Belgium: European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises or SME (UEAPME)
  • Belgium: EuroCommerce
  • Belgium: European Tech and Industry Employers (CEEMET)
  • Belgium: The European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT)
  • Turkey: European Centre of Employers and Enterprises (CEEP)

The project was successfully completed and positively evaluated.

We will be happy to provide you with the project results on request. For further information, please contact our Team.