Presentation in the UnInLeCo project at the Campus Asylum Coordination Day

On Saturday, April 1, 2023, another Campus Asylum coordination day took place in Regensburg, where our colleague and Campus Asylum coordinator Stephanie Reiner was also present.

At the beginning of the event, Ms. Reiner gave a presentation for the other coordinators, board members, and advisory board members in which she discussed the digital lifeworlds of refugees. Following this, as part of an interactive workshop, digital barriers were explored, opportunities for digital participation were sought, and helpful IT applications and other assistance were collected. The content of the impulse was developed as part of the Erasmus+ project "University and Business Inclusive Digital Learning Coaches (UnInLeCo)".

The UnInLeCo project is aimed at universities, companies and civil society organizations that are trained as digital learning coaches to support disadvantaged groups in society in the training of basic digital skills. UnInLeCo aims to reach students from disadvantaged and at-risk groups through a social support system and encourage them to close educational gaps by training their digital skills.

ISOB takes over the internal quality assurance in the project, coordinates the data collection and analysis of the user feedback. Furthermore, ISOB participates in the dissemination and in the development of learning and training methods. More information about the project can be found on the project webite as well as on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Click here to get to the Instagram post of the Campus Asylum coordination day.

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