Expert Team of Peers for Female Entrepreneurship (XTEAM-FEM)

Funding information

Project duration: 01.03.2022 – 31.08.2023

Project code number: 2021-2-PT01-KA210-ADU-000048513

Funding guideline: Partnerships for cooperation and exchanges of practices

Project concept

Initial situation

Women's networks serve to share experiences and provide mutual support. However, for targeted knowledge transfer and collegial competence building, it requires pedagogical skills as well as enhanced counselling and discussion skills. In addition, organisational framework conditions are needed that facilitate a collegial learning culture.

Target groups and their benefits

The project XTEAM-FEM aims to support innovative women from the Portuguese women's network "Mulheres a Obra" in the training of their counseling skills in order to strengthen the resources for social support and collegial knowledge transfer within the network.

Project goal

The XTeam-FEM project aims to develop framework conditions so that the online community of women entrepreneurs in the Portuguese Women's Network "Mulheres a Obra", provide professional advice, collegial support and training to the other women entrepreneurs in the network. The community uses collective organisation for common purposes and promotes the exchange of knowledge, experience and expertise in the following areas: Business management, digital marketing and sales, social and environmental responsibility, and collaborative work among peers.

Role of ISOB

ISOB leads the internal quality assurance and supports the development and training of the team of experts. In addition, ISOB takes care of the evaluation and supports in dissemination.

Products and planned publications

  • Recruitment of a team of women entrepreneurs who will form the basis of the knowledge community
  • Organisation of a transnational boot camp as well as a conference and a business fair on female entrepreneurship
  • Development of freely accessible online learning content by the team and production of a handbook on sustainable female entrepreneurship



  • Portugal: Mulheres a Obra – MAO4Action (Projektkoordinator)
  • Portugal: Storytellme, Unipessoal Lda
  • Germany: Institut für sozialwissenschaftliche Beratung GmbH

Website and social media


We will be happy to provide you with the project results on request. For further information, please contact our Team.