Development of entrepreneurial skills and tools for farmers in rural areas (DEMETRA)

Funding information

Project duration: 01.11.2021 – 01.11.2023

Project code number: KA220-VET-8782074A

Funding guideline: KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training

Project concept

Initial situation

The gender gap is particularly pronounced in agriculture. The agricultural sector is a male-dominated industry, especially in rural areas. The number of women showing entrepreneurship is limited because they lack financial resources, training and learning opportunities. This DEMETRA project aims to create the conditions for women to become active in agriculture in rural areas.

Target groups and their benefits

The DEMETRA project is aimed at women in the agricultural sector in rural areas. It develops tools for training in agricultural entrepreneurship so that they develop entrepreneurial mindsets and skills. In a broader sense, the project serves to better understand agricultural entrepreneurship and develop a more inclusive context for their participation in the sector. The DEMETRA project therefore addresses policy makers, influencers and decision makers in a second step.  

Project goal

The DEMETRA project aims to support women in rural areas in the training of their agricultural entrepreneurial skills and to develop needs-based instruments to strengthen "agripreneurship". To this end, a network of partners is to be created to exchange good practices and develop their capacity for transnational cooperation.

Role of ISOB

ISOB leads the internal quality assurance, coordinates data collection and analysis of user feedback. ISOB also supports in dissemination and participates in the development of the learning and training materials.

Products and planned publications

  • Development of a competence matrix with policy recommendations 
  • Demand-oriented and innovative curriculum and development of a learning management platform as Open Educational Resources 
  • Entwicklung und Pilotierung eines Mentorenprogramms mit nationalen Multiplier-Events



  • Cyprus: IMH C.S.C. limited 
  • Poland: Wspierania Edukacji i Przedsiebiorczosci 
  • Greece: Emporiko Kai Viomichaniko Epimelitirio Herakliou 
  • Slovenia: Univerza V Mariboru 
  • Cyprus: Grantxpert Consulting Limited 
  • Czech republic: Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze 
  • Germany: Institut für sozialwissenschaftliche Beratung GmbH 

Website and social media


Vierte Newsletter im Erasmus+ Projekt DEMETRA

Der vierte Newsletter für das Erasmus+ Projekt DEMETRA ist erschienen. Lesen Sie den Newsletter, um sich über die Fortschritte des Projekts und interessante Artikel über Unternehmerinnen in der Landwirtschaft zu...

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Multiplier Event im Erasmus+ Projekt DEMETRA

Die Multiplikator:innen-Veranstaltung wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Verein für Soziale Landwirtschaft e. V. organisiert, da diese Organisation viele der wichtigsten Akteur:innee des weiblichen Aggripreneurship umfasst: Agrarunternehmerinnen und bäuerliche Familienväter, die...

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Pilotierungsbericht im Erasmus+ Projekt DEMETRA

Der Pilotkurs im Erasmus+ Projekt dient der Umsetzung und Erprobung des entwickelte Lehrplans und der Lernplattform, die im Rahmen des Projekts entwickelt wurden, in kleinem Maßstab und ermöglicht es dem...

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We will be happy to provide you with the project results on request. For further information, please contact our Team.