Reference System for Faciliators of Learning (ReSyFac)
Funding information

Project duration: 01/2008 – 12/2009
Project code number: 134049-LLP-2007-PT-LMP
Funding guideline: Multilateral innovation project in the framework of the EU Lifelong Learning Programme, Leonardo da Vinci
Project concept
Initial situation
In recent decades, learning in the workplace has become increasingly important. Training is also increasingly integrated into the work process. In practice, different profiles of facilitators of such learning processes have emerged, but they were not yet documented and compared across the board. The project therefore set itself the goal of formulating an activity profile that is relevant throughout Europe.
Target groups and their benefits
The ReSyFac project was aimed at trainers and competent government agencies and social organisations in the field of vocational education and training. The aim is to increase and consolidate mobility in Europe through a European reference system.
Project goal
The ReSyFac project aims to develop a European reference system for facilitators and thus contribute to the transparency and recognition of facilitators' qualifications in Europe. This reference system is intended to be a building block for the European ECVET system.
Role of ISOB
ISOB took over the internal evaluation and accompanying advice to the partners during project development.
Products and planned publications
On the basis of a survey instrument developed by the partners, an overview was created in 27 European countries on the basis of national expert reports on
- the status of the respective education and training system and the development of national qualifications frameworks in view of the EQF/EQF
- The nature and extent of the learning processes prevalent in companies
- the structure of the offers of education providers
- the activity and competence profile of a learning guide that currently exists in the partner countries and that is considered desirable in the future
From this, a reference system was created in approximation to the ECVET system. The establishment of an internet portal also served this purpose, in order to support self-learning through learning guidance, especially for SMEs.
- Denmark: AMU Nordjylland, Aalborg
- Germany: GAB München, Gesellschaft für Ausbildungsforschung und Berufsentwicklung mbH, München
- Germany: Institut für sozialwissenschaftliche Beratung GmbH
- Germany: City of Munich, Referat für Arbeit und Wirtschaft
- Italy: CODEX Società Cooperativa / CODEX cooperative company, Turin
- Lithuania: Kauno Technologijos Universitetas / Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Kaunas
- Malta: MMS Maltese Mentoring Society, Naxxar
- Netherlands: LEDA Partenariat Association, Almere
- Portugal: CECOA – Centro de Formação Profissional para o Comércio e Afins, Vocational Training Centre for the Trade, Lissabon
- Portugal: Instituto do Emprego e da Formação Profissional / Employment and Vocational Training Institute (IEFP), Lisbon
- Slovakia: Regionálna rozvojová agentúra Senec – Pezinok / Regional Development Agency Senec – Pezinok (RDA SP), Senec
- Slovakia: Bratislavský samosprávny kraj / Bratislava Self-governing Region, Bratislava (BSGR)
- United Kingdom: Council for Administration (CfA), London
The project was successfully completed and positively evaluated.
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