Projekt NSforWomen

New Skills for Women (NSforWomen)

Funding information

Project duration: 11/2010 – 10/2012

Project code number: 2010-1-PT1-LEO05-05167 

Funding guideline:

Project concept

Initial situation

The European Year of Equal Opportunities in 2007 emphasised the need to combat multiple discrimination and promote equal opportunities. In Europe, women returning to the labour market represent a significant part of the available workforce. However, these women are often overlooked in the statistics, especially if they are not registered as unemployed. Statistics show that women are on average 40% less likely to be offered a job, which shows the difficulties of returning to the labour market. Women who have become unemployed in any way, voluntarily or involuntarily, need offers to acquire skills to reintegrate into the labour market and to take up self-employment or by acquiring new skills in information and communication technologies (ICT) and entrepreneurship.

Target groups and their benefits

The NSforWomen project was aimed at interested women who want to return to work after a longer period of family leave and are planning to start a business. They are to be supported in the development of interdisciplinary competences.

Project goal

The NSforWomen project aims to enable interested women to start their own business and, if possible, to gradually build up and expand their own business, taking regional factors into account. For this purpose, a learning platform was developed that primarily promotes interdisciplinary competences.

Role of ISOB

ISOB was responsible for the internal evaluation of the project and provided support in quality assurance.

Products and planned publications

  • Development of innovative training content for an e-learning application and creation of an e-coach course
  • Evaluation and transfer of innovative training methods in the countries participating in the partnership



  • Portugal (project coordination): APMP-Association for Promotion of Multimedia and Digital Society
  • Portugal: Webwise-Soluções Informáticas Empresariais
  • Netherlands: i-Lion Learning Solutions B.V.
  • Czech republic: TEMPO TRAINING & CONSULTING a.s.
  • Germany: Forschungsinstitut Betriebliche Bildung (f-bb)
  • Germany: Institut für technologieorientierte Frauenbildung e. V. 
  • Germany: Institut für sozialwissenschaftliche Beratung GmbH

Website and social media

The project was successfully completed and positively evaluated.

We will be happy to provide you with the project results on request. For further information, please contact our Team.