Am 20. Oktober 2021 fand die finale Konferenz im Projekt NEETSinACTION statt. Das Erasmus+ Projekt hat zum Ziel, die regionale Koordination der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit von jungen Menschen in einer NEETs Situation...
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Community Networking for Integration of Young People in NEET-Situation (NEETSinACTION)
Funding information

Project duration: 09/2017 – 06/2021
Project code number: 2017-1-PT01-KA202-035954
Funding guideline: Erasmus+ KA 2
Project concept
Initial situation
Youth unemployment is one of the most pressing social problems in Europe. The situation of not being in education, employment or training ("NEET: Not in Education, Employment or Training") leads to social and economic exclusion in the short and long term. Isolated programmes of employment promotion, education, social work etc. have proven to be too ineffective in overcoming this situation. In contrast, coordinating the different facets of a holistic approach seems promising. Therefore, the partners have examined existing practices of such coordination as well as particularly successful individual measures for their success factors.
Target groups and their benefits
The NEETSinACTION project is aimed at decision-makers in local and regional labour and education policy, education providers, third sector companies and civil society. The results of the project support them in the coordinated planning and implementation of a comprehensive regional policy for the social and vocational integration of NEETS. Young people benefit from the individual measures developed as well as from a better interlinking of these measures.
Project goal
The NEETSinACTION project aimed to improve regional coordination of employability of young people in a NEETs situation, address skills gaps and create positive work experiences in their local communities. To this end, leading good practices are being evaluated and a model of such regional coordination is being developed.
Role of ISOB
ISOB took over the internal evaluation and quality assurance of the project. In addition, ISOB conducted the initial study.
The NEETSinACTION project was awarded Best Practice by the Portuguese Agency.
Products and publications
- Conduct an initial study to identify good practices and effective social and occupational integration measures
- Development, testing and evaluation of a model for local coordination of intervention in favour of NEETS
- Conception of a handbook for practitioners of regional labour market, employment and education policy
- Conduct an effectiveness analysis and dissemination
- State of the art: good practices of social inclusion (through work based learning strategies) targeted at young people in the partners' countries - Literature review from Germany. Download.
- Identification of social intervention measures: Building networks of community support for NEETs: good practices from Europe. Download.
- Guide for social inclusion and development of local partnerships for employability of young people who are currently NEET. Download.
- Final Evaluation Report. Download.
- Portugal (project coordination): Centro de Formação profissional para o comércio e afins
- Portugal: Universidade Católica Portuguesa
- Portugal: TESE. Associação para o Desenvolvimento
- Portugal: Câmara municipal de lisboa
- Great Britain: The Tavistock Institute
- Italy: Centro Produttività Veneto
- Spain: Fundación Ronsel
- Germany: Institut für sozialwissenschaftliche Beratung GmbH
Associated partners
- Germany: City of Munich, Referat für Arbeit und Wirtschaft
- Germany: City of Regensburg, Amt für Wirtschaftsförderung
- Germany: Verein für sozialwissenschaftliche Beratung und Forschung e. V.
Website and social media
NEETSinAction wurde vom CEDEFOP ausgezeichnet
Das Europäische Zentrum für die Förderung der Berufsbildung (CEDEFOP) hat die Arbeit des Erasmus+ Projekts NEETSinAction hervorgehoben und die Ergebnisse des Projekts auf seiner Website ausgezeichnet. Das transnationale Projekt NEETSinAction...
Mehr lesenFünftes Partnermeeting im Projekt NEETSinACTION in London
Mitte Dezember fand im Erasmus+ Projekt NEETSinACTION ein weiteres Partnermeeting statt. Eingladen wurde das Projektteam vom „Travistock Institut of Human Relations“ in London. Das Tavistock Institute of Human Relations ist...
Mehr lesenThe project was successfully completed and positively evaluated.
We will be happy to provide you with the project results on request. For further information, please contact our Team.