European Faciliators Network (EUFACINET)
Funding information

Project duration: 10/2006 – 09/2008
Project code number:
Funding guideline:
Project concept
Initial situation
Work-integrated learning is one of the most important innovation topics at the beginning of the 21st century. The new function of learning guidance and support for largely self-organised, employee-driven learning is emerging. However, there is a lack of exchange of national good practices, consolidation of learning facilitators' profiles and a suitable European-wide discussion platform for learning facilitators.
Target groups and their benefits
The EUFACINET project is aimed at SMEs that see learning as a (super-)vital element of their business development and therefore also want to use the potential of their employees as an essential resource for this. Particularly addressed are the "internal learning facilitators" as well as external training providers who want to and have to adapt their offer more and more to company and situation-related learning needs.
For this purpose, a self-assessment tool is to be developed for the employees, as self-observation leads to more systematic and sustainable learning and is consequently essential for establishing a new learning culture.
Project goal
The EUFACINET project aims to develop a pool of methods and promote collegial exchange among the growing community of facilitators of work-integrated learning processes in SMEs. The aim is to develop a new learning culture that is particularly suited to the needs of SMEs.
The EUFACINET project continued the work of the project "Competence development through self-learning processes in the service sector (CompServ)", in which a guideline for accompanying self-learning processes small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) was developed and tested.
Role of ISOB
ISOB provided ongoing monitoring, quality assurance and internal evaluation of the project activities. In addition, ISOB supported the development of the method pool and the dissemination of project results.
Products and publications
- Further development of CompServ products and development of a procedure for "observation and self-assessment of work-integrated learning processes" as a self-assessment tool
- Bulgaria (project coordination): National Association of Small and Medium
- Bulgaria: NASMB
- Bulgaria: Federation of Societies for Support of Knowledge
- Denmark: AMU North Jutland
- Germany: Gesellschaft für Ausbildungsforschung und Berufsentwicklung (GAB)
- Germany: Institut für sozialwissenschaftliche Beratung GmbH
- Spain: FMA – Foundation for Training, Qualification and Employment in the Metal Sector in Asturias Gijón
- Malta: Maltese Mentoring Society
- Netherlands: LEDA Partenariat Association
- Portugal: CECOA – Vocational Training Centre for the Trade
- Slovakia: Bratislava Self – governing Region (BSGR)
- Slovakia: Regional Development Agency Senec
Associated partners
- Germany: City of Munich, Referat für Arbeit und Wirtschaft (RAW)
The project was successfully completed and positively evaluated.
We will be happy to provide you with the project results on request. For further information, please contact our Team.