Digitally safe in the internet - digital driving licence (DiFü)

Funding information

Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat Logo

Project duration: 01.02.2021 – 31.01.2024

Project concept

Initial situation

The digital transformation offers a multitude of opportunities for education, work and exchange with each other. Nowadays, digital participation is possible at any age, which makes a rethink necessary in many areas of life. The basis for this are competences that enable safe and self-determined action in everyday digital life.

Target groups and their benefits

The DiFü project is aimed at everyone between the ages of 14 and 99. The broad target group does not exclude anyone, but it makes it more difficult to work out an appealing platform for everyone, which is why focus topics are worked out for the individual target groups.

Project goal

The aim of the DiFü is to promote knowledge and skills for safe use in everyday digital life. In addition, focus topics will be available in the future that cover special fields such as computer language or artificial intelligence. In simple terms, it is to become the TOEFL certificate for digital competences.

Role of ISOB

ISOB takes over the external evaluation in the project.

Products and planned publications

  • Development of a learning offer for different topics of digital basic knowledge including a certification possibility for citizens of all age groups
  • Broadening of the offer through daily DiFü News, podcast "D wie Digital" as well as publication of interesting projects, events and publications



  • Germany: Deutschland Sicher im Netz e. V.

Website and social media


Erfolge im Projekt Digitalführerschein

Der Digitalführerschein ist ein bundesweit einheitliches Bildungsangebot mit Zertifizierungsoption. Verbraucher:innen aller Altersgruppen lernen, wie sie digitale Dienste im privaten wie beruflichen Kontext sicher und souverän zu nutzen. ISOB unterstützt die...

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Der DiFü für Lehrkräfte ist online

In dem vom Bundesministerium des Inneren und für Heimat geförderten Projekt DiFü ist ein Digitalführerschein für Lehrkräfte online gegangen. Er enthält spezielle Praxistipps zu Themen wie Geräten, sicheren Log-Ins und...

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We will be happy to provide you with the project results on request. For further information, please contact our Team.