Media Library

The ISOB team publishes regularly. In this way, we contribute to the dissemination of our research results and want to encourage people in companies and institutions to take up our approaches. We are happy to write together with our research partners. Dialogue in formulating our experiences is an important and enriching part of our work. The ISOB staff members are listed in the author's note printed in bold.


Krauss A. & Reiner S. (2022): DigiEntAid Matrix of Crisis Resilience and Digital Customer Retention Competences (R1 – A5). Link.

Spanner V.; Krauss A. (2021): Data Collection on Media Literacy and the Re-lationship of Media Literacy to Democratic Values and Behaviours in Germany (WP T.1): Most Significant Projects on Media Literacy. Link.

Spanner, V.; Krauss A. (2021): Data Collection on Media Literacy and the Re-lationship of Media Literacy to Democratic Values and Behaviours in Germany (WP T.1): Case Studies of NGOs Implementing Projects that Bridge Media Literacy and Democratic Values/Behaviours. Link.

Spanner V.; Krauss A. (2021): Data Collection on Media Literacy and the Re-lationship of Media Literacy to Democratic Values and Behaviours in Germany (WP T.1): Analysis of Media Messaging in Germany with Special Focus on Manifestation of Disinformation and Spread of Hatred. Link.

Spanner, V.; Krauss, A. (2021): Data Collection on Media Literacy and the Re-lationship of Media Literacy to Democratic Values and Behaviours in Germany (WP T.1): Legal Framework Review concerning Media Regulation, Media Literacy and Media Education and Policy Analysis on Media Literacy in Germany/Bavaria. Link.

Klemenčič-Mirazchiyski, E.; Bezjak, S.; Krauss, A.; Osmanović, S.; Širca, N. T. & Koren A. (2022): Migrants and school inclusion: the main findings from the RoMigScProject. 


Krauss, A. (2021): Work-Based Learning and the Inclusion Pathway into the Labour Market. In: Dermol, Valerij (Eds.): Towards the actor coordination model: A case of unaccompanied minor migrants in transition to adulthood. Bangkok/Celje/Lublin: ToKnowPress. Link.

Krauss, A. (2021): Experiences from Germany. Dermol, Valerij (Eds.): Towards the actor coordination model: A case of unaccompanied minor migrants in transition to adulthood. Bangkok/Celje/Lublin: ToKnowPress. Link.

Krauss, A. (2021): The Model of Better Social Inclusion of Unaccompanied Minor Refugees at the Transition to Adulthood. Dermol, Valerij (Eds.): Towards the actor coordination model: A case of unaccompanied minor migrants in transition to adulthood. Bangkok/Celje/Lublin: ToKnowPress. Link.

Krauss, A. (2021): Project Findings. Dermol, Valerij (Eds.): Towards the actor coordination model: A case of unaccompanied minor migrants in transition to adulthood. Bangkok/Celje/Lublin: ToKnowPress. Link.

Krauss, A. (2021): Policy Recommendations. Dermol, Valerij (Eds.): Towards the actor coordination model: A case of unaccompanied minor migrants in transition to adulthood. Bangkok/Celje/Lublin: ToKnowPress. Link.

Reiner, S. & Krauss, A. Die Coronakrise verstärkt die Bildungsungleichheit. – Interview Wirtschaftszeitung No 1/2021

Reiner, S. & Krauss, A. (2021): Virtual Communities of Practices. Lernen in sozialen Netzwerken. Projekt CoDiCLUST. Download.

Reiner, S. & Krauss, A. (2021): Rollenprofil: Lots:innen für digitales Lernen. Mit Kompetenztabelle. Projekt CoDiCLUST. Download.

Reiner, S. & Krauss, A. (2021): Rollenprofil: Coach für digitales Lernen. Mit Kompetenztabelle. Projekt CoDiCLUST. Download. 

Reiner, S. & Krauss, A. (2021): Roadmapping für digitales Lernen in KMU. Schritt für Schritt. Digital Learning Canvas. Projekt CoDiCLUST. Download.

Reiner, S.; Krauss, A.; Winter, M. (2021): Roadmaps aus der Praxis. Projekt CoDiCLUST. Download.

Reiner, S. & Krauss, A. (2021): Lots:innen für digitales Lernen. Reflexionsbogen. Projekt CoDiCLUST. Download.

Reiner, S.; Haimerl, J. & Krauss, A. (2021): Roadmapping für digitales Lernen – ein Online Guide mit Erklärvideos und Arbeitsmaterialen. Projekt CoDiCLUST. Link. 

Reiner, S.; Krauss, A.; Fuchs, S.; Winter, M., Mannhart, T., Poessnecker, L.; et. al. (2021): Virtueller Messestand. Abschlussbericht aus dem Projekt CoDiCLUST. Link.