Applied innovation for students and companies (AISAB)

Funding information


Project duration: 09/2017 – 04/2020

Project concept

Initial situation

SMEs in particular often face challenges in innovation processes, especially in developing innovative products and optimising and integrating innovative processes. Mostly they lack the time resources and the innovation capacity. Innovation ecosystems between universities and SMEs are helpful in this context to stimulate each other, bundle competences and engage in exchange.

Target groups and their benefits

The AISAB project targets higher education organisations with the aim of training students in their innovation and advisory skills to support and promote SMEs in their innovation capacity. The AISAB project took a practical approach that led to HEIs adopting innovation modules and embedding them in such a way that their impact is sustainable and to continuously increase innovation capacity.

Project goal

The AISAB project addressed the need within the European Union to improve the level of innovation and its impact, particularly in SMEs. Building on the work of other innovation projects and materials, it developed approaches to creating skills that support SME innovation in the higher education context and through vocational training.

Role of ISOB

ISOB supports as external scientific accompanying research to support internal quality assurance, promotes self-evaluation of the project team and evaluates the quality of project implementation.

Products and planned publications

  • Development and evaluation of teaching materials for higher education and a student counselling manual
  • Development and evaluation of a guide for SMEs on the introduction of product innovations and improved processes as well as the exploration of intervention approaches for companies
  • Publication of a research paper



  • United Kingdom (Project coordination): University of Gloucestershire
  • Hungary: University of Sopron
  • Slovenia: Korona plus d.o.o.
  • Spain: University of Granada
  • Slovenia: University of Primorska
  • Italy: Fondazione Istituto Tecnico Superiore per le nuove tecnologie per il made in Italy - Jobsacadmy
  • Austria: Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung Schober GmbH
  • Hungary: PROMPT-H Számítástechnikai Oktatási, Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft.
  • Germany: Institut für sozialwissenschaftliche Beratung GmbH

Website and social media

We will be happy to provide you with the project results on request. For further information, please contact our Team.